Sunday, December 6, 2009

First Meet brings home the hardware.

Well, our first meet is under our belt. The girls had a great weekend. It was full of smiles,challenges, and even advice from Coach Vickie.
The score sheet is as follows
Kenzie 2 first place (double mini and floor)
1 fourth place(trampoline...but ohh so close!)
Coach Vickie said now that Kenzie secured her 1st place on floor she can move up to the next level,,,now we are on to WHIPS!!!!
Katie Grace 1: 4th place (trampoline)
1: 5th place (double mini)
1: 6th place (floor... and our handsprings Coach Vickis said are looking much better).
It was great to get back with friends, see some old ones, and cheer on our team. Our next meet is in Iowa Falls in late January. We will continue to work hard in the gym setting goals and breaking those challenges down. Kenzie was challenged to kick some butt in intermediate and she now has the confidence that she can do it. Coach Vickie told Katie she improved so much in 2 weeks we can only imagine what 6 weeks will do!! Until our next tumbling update...But don't fret, we have bow coming up and a performance at the ISU gymnastics so you'll hear from us shortly!!