Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day Plan B

Kenzie is now a photobug!! snapping picture of everything. Dogs seem to be her favorite.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Plan B Christmas Plans

Well now that the presents are opened and we have tried on some of our new presents, played a few games and taken some pics with our new camera, we our getting ready to snuggle in and wait to see what Santa may bring us. After that we are going to try our hand at PaPa Pancakes. The secret recipe is out and we are going to try. Tomorrow will bring more time on the Wii, Uno and a few games of bingo. We are crossing our fingers that the snow will pass us by so Mammie and Papa can come up on Saturday xxxx.

Plan B Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!! Well the weather brought some different Christmas plans...Plan B(no not Bah Humbug!)but we did have to stay in Mason for Christmas Eve. But we did get to open presents, eat and no good day is complete without some hunting and fishing. The kids were playing Wii most of the night with everyone in their jammies and Katie wearing her favorite gift....THE HAT!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Well the results are in..Kenzie took first and Kate took second. Both girls shot a 285, Kenzie had 31 X's and Kate had 16. Dad was even in on the shoot and shot a 300 with 46X's. All shooters are pretty happy with this weekends shoot. Sorry, no pics, dad isn't as cool as mom and forgot the camera. We'll get some soon with bows and arrows!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Doing some shooting tonight

Well tonight is our first bow shoot for the season. Practive has been going pretty good. Both girls have beat their state scores from last year and Katie has hit 2 robin hoods in the last week during practice! We will update everyone as soon as the meet is over!

PAPA came to practice

It was our turn to drive to practice so we called dad to see if he wanted to meet for Subway and then go see the gym. After dinner we headed to the gym. Papa got a chance to see Katie practice and win a few of Coach Vickie's challenges on floor, tramp and DM. When Katie came to bring me her winnings she didn't notice Papa. Then she came back with another and I asked her if she knew who was standing next to took a few seconds and then it was PAPA!!! You came to see me. Yes, Papa was here and now our smile and show was on!
As practice wrapping up for Katie, Kenzie came in and walked past PAPA and he tapped her on the shoulder...She glanced at him and took a double take, PAPA what are you doing here she asks... Of course she got the big hug from him and said he just stopped by with us.
Papa was a hit and they both asked him if he was coming next week. maybe Papa can drop in again sometime soon...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

First Meet brings home the hardware.

Well, our first meet is under our belt. The girls had a great weekend. It was full of smiles,challenges, and even advice from Coach Vickie.
The score sheet is as follows
Kenzie 2 first place (double mini and floor)
1 fourth place(trampoline...but ohh so close!)
Coach Vickie said now that Kenzie secured her 1st place on floor she can move up to the next level,,,now we are on to WHIPS!!!!
Katie Grace 1: 4th place (trampoline)
1: 5th place (double mini)
1: 6th place (floor... and our handsprings Coach Vickis said are looking much better).
It was great to get back with friends, see some old ones, and cheer on our team. Our next meet is in Iowa Falls in late January. We will continue to work hard in the gym setting goals and breaking those challenges down. Kenzie was challenged to kick some butt in intermediate and she now has the confidence that she can do it. Coach Vickie told Katie she improved so much in 2 weeks we can only imagine what 6 weeks will do!! Until our next tumbling update...But don't fret, we have bow coming up and a performance at the ISU gymnastics so you'll hear from us shortly!!

Tumbling day 2

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Marshalltown 09

Well the season is in full flip. Today was our first meet and the girls did great. I have downloaded a few of the videos and will download more tomorrow. Kenzie started off the morning pulling in a first place trophy for double mini. She is now competing at intermediate for tramp and double mini. Katie has advanced as well and is competing at novice. Both levels have offered the girls some challenges and I'm sure will they will iron out the kinks as the season prgresses. Katie took tied for 5th on double mini and we were pretty proud of her as she was more than a little nervous. Both girls took 4th place for their trampoline passes. It was a great day and we are getting ready to tumble tomorrow....update you then!!

First meet on the season!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Martian Christmas

IT'S A mArTIan CHRISTMAS!! Katie had her school program today. It was a festive treat with lots of kids, song and crazy mask!! Mammie was able to see her and Dad stopped by on was a little green too as I have the flu.