Saturday, April 25, 2009

Recap of the day

WOW, it started off with the 8:00am wake up call. Not that she was thrilled to see the clock say 8, but beauty takes the whole day. we decided to take Katie Grace with us. Ok in the beginning since it was breakfast. Once we were done with Perkins, we headed to Target, Wal-Mart, Maurices, (reminder..Katie is with us so she thinks she needs a new hoodie since it is 75% off and has cool fur hood), Shopko, then the Mall. Here we stopped at Claire's, all the hair places to find "pretty" hair pins. Then we went to Younkers, stopped by the perfume counter to take a whiff of the latest. Little pricey so we kept going. We headed to AE, found some jeans. Mammie gave us money to find some new ones for AFTER PROM. Then we headed to Vanity. Tried on a few cool shirts, Katie tried on a cool new shirt, started to freak out because our hair appointment is in 45 minutes.
We then head home, have to get a new shirt on so we can get our hair done and pick up the glitter for our hair and head to see ALICE!! Alice is magical. She worked for almost 2 hours on the updo. After that we head home, again freak are in 2 hours and Mammie is still on the road. We manage to get our makeup on, more glitter on, and slip into the pretty tangerine colored dress. Find the shoes, yell at Katie for just being in the same room and being annoying, get lip gloss on. Soon friends arrive to see the final product. Together they complete downing loading a new cd for the night.
John arrives and the pictures start. BFF Haley starts snapping picture at the opening of the door. Once pictures are done on the home front, we head to the gathering spot and wait for all to arrive. Soon there is lots of pretty dresses, hairspray and corsages. Time for more picture taking and then they are off to dinner then to the prom. After prom they will head to NIACC for post prom. Lots of fun activities planned and the fun will last through the night until the early morning. The only ones getting any sleep will be the little girls and the dogs...the rest of us will lay awake and hope this s a safe and fun night of memories.