Sunday, April 26, 2009

The day after

Cinderalla came home after the prom early this morning....found a pair of sweats and crawled into bed. A little less makeup, updo not really up anymore...but lots of memories!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Recap of the day

WOW, it started off with the 8:00am wake up call. Not that she was thrilled to see the clock say 8, but beauty takes the whole day. we decided to take Katie Grace with us. Ok in the beginning since it was breakfast. Once we were done with Perkins, we headed to Target, Wal-Mart, Maurices, (reminder..Katie is with us so she thinks she needs a new hoodie since it is 75% off and has cool fur hood), Shopko, then the Mall. Here we stopped at Claire's, all the hair places to find "pretty" hair pins. Then we went to Younkers, stopped by the perfume counter to take a whiff of the latest. Little pricey so we kept going. We headed to AE, found some jeans. Mammie gave us money to find some new ones for AFTER PROM. Then we headed to Vanity. Tried on a few cool shirts, Katie tried on a cool new shirt, started to freak out because our hair appointment is in 45 minutes.
We then head home, have to get a new shirt on so we can get our hair done and pick up the glitter for our hair and head to see ALICE!! Alice is magical. She worked for almost 2 hours on the updo. After that we head home, again freak are in 2 hours and Mammie is still on the road. We manage to get our makeup on, more glitter on, and slip into the pretty tangerine colored dress. Find the shoes, yell at Katie for just being in the same room and being annoying, get lip gloss on. Soon friends arrive to see the final product. Together they complete downing loading a new cd for the night.
John arrives and the pictures start. BFF Haley starts snapping picture at the opening of the door. Once pictures are done on the home front, we head to the gathering spot and wait for all to arrive. Soon there is lots of pretty dresses, hairspray and corsages. Time for more picture taking and then they are off to dinner then to the prom. After prom they will head to NIACC for post prom. Lots of fun activities planned and the fun will last through the night until the early morning. The only ones getting any sleep will be the little girls and the dogs...the rest of us will lay awake and hope this s a safe and fun night of memories.

The JUMP before dinner. You go John!!

All the hansome guys.....

All the pretty girls....

The couple is ready for prom.

WHERE IS MAMMIE???? CHARLES CITY?!?!?! Ohhhhhh, deep breath, she will be here in time to see her girl.

And John arrives for the big date!!

The Dress!!

And now for the final piece of the day...The dress. Doesn't she look awesome!!! Even Avery had to get in on the action.

We've got the shoes on and the dress is on and getting zipped....

And now are hair is done...take view from all sides.

Now it's time to do something with all that hair. Alice will need to work her magic and use her special potion......We are still working on hair......and we are still working on hair.

All the limos were booked for the night, so we found this. Lots cheaper, only takes quarter, but it looks like a friendly ride and Katie could go too:>)

Now we are on our way to Target. Ally finds a hat...not sure if will go with her dress, so she leaves Target and pouts. But of course, the phone rings and we are visiting again.

On our way to Perkins for a quick bite, while we wait Katie and Ally play a kids menu game. Soon the phone rings and we must answer it and visit for awhile....still visting and eating and now it is time to get on the road and pick up the last few essentials.

And the morning starts off and we are already on the phone.

And the day arrives.....

The morning starts off early, not exactly ready for prom!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Katie's state tumbling pass. She ties with Alexis for 1st in their flight and they take second in state!!

kenzie compete's her second pass and ties for 3rd in her flight and for state!!!

Kenzie's first pass

Monday, April 20, 2009

And she completes the straddle pass and heads into awards!! Nice job honey!!

Kenzie's second pass!

Kenzie hits the double mini with a serious look and takes 5th place and qualifies for Nationals at the same time!!

Katie takes State


Katie's first double mini pass.

Kenzie's trampoline pass. She went outside of the box and had a small step at the end to take 5th place out of 11. Keep up the hard work Tigger! Your looking gooood.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Katie took 1st between two flights at state in trampoline. Her smile tells her story. Nice job honey!!

flight award

katie on trampoline

Katie takes first in her flight and takes the state champ on trampoline. You go girl!!

USTA State Meet

Wow, what a weekend. Cheers, tears(mine of course)and trophies. The following are videos and pictures of the girls from this weekend. We have another state champ in the house..2X state champ Katie Grace. Enjoy the videos, it's much easier to watch on tape than sit in the crowd and shake, grit your teeth and wonder if you should of had that cup of morning coffee.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pictures of the girls at this weekends meet, along with a few friends.

Pre State weekend fun

Below are the videos of the lastest weekend of tumbling. It was a busy weekend right off the bat. We went to Iowa Falls for a private lesson and then stopped off for Subway. Vickie and Steve joined us for subs. Then we were off to our friend Steph and Aaron's to spend night. We were up early to hit the golden arches for a quick bit to eat and then to Indianola for trampoline and double mini. Kenzie took 4th in both, good, but need to do better with State around the corner. Katie took first on tramp and tied for 3rd on double mini. That night we headed to the hotel for swimming, pizza and cool bouncy ball fun. The next morning brought nerves due to competition and weather. The girls did great on their passes. Both girls took 2nd and if they do a repeat at State will make it to Nationals in Texas. We had to have a friend video Katie so I could close my eyes and ears while she performs. A little trick I learned from a fellow mom to ease the nerves. IT WORKS, if you don't peak between the fingers.
We got news during the meet that the road home was closed due to weather, so we stayed another night in a hotel, this time it was VERY nice. The pool was the hit until I put an end to the outside pool. The pool had an air curtain between the outside and inside and while outside they were throwing snowballs at each other in the pool. All was fine, the indside pool had a hot tub, sauna and lots of girls splashing. The next morning we were up, had breakfast and headed home. Several cars still in the ditch, but once we reached north Iowa, all was clear. The girls stayed home from school and got ready to head back to the gym for more practice for State.
Our weekend started off a little rough, Ally got into a car accident and crunched her car up pretty good. She is fine, little shook up but doing ok. As soon as we can download the pictures from her phone we will post.

Kenzie's trampoline pass

More double mini from Kate

Kaite's double mini pass

The following are Kenzie's double mini. Her first and last were great scores. She didn't get tight enough in her tuck in the second. Overall Kenzie took 4th.

Kenzie's first pass and she is looking good. Nice stick on her landing. Do that again in 2 weeks and you'll be sitting gooood.

Nice Job Kenzie...look Mammie, her feet are starting to stick together!

Katie is first in her flight and does well at her first pass. Hopefully it shows what is to come at state in 2 weeks!

More tumbling fun

Katie's second pass ends with giggles and smiles. She had a great pass and wanted to share her salute with the crowd...and didn't forget the judges either.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

And the weekend starts

We are off again this weekend. Tomorrow brings a full day of work, then headed to the gym for a private lesson, then to DM to stay with friends before the meet on Saturday. Planning on staying in Indianola for a birthday swim party, early to be for an early rise to the meet. We hopefully can wrap our weekend with a trip to Jordan Creek to shop. Gift cards are burning holes in the little pockets. We are headed to Areopostle and Claires. Between the 2 of the little ones they have $100 to spend on lip gloss, head bands and a few fun earrings or sunglasses.
We will post on Sunday our results. Coach said tonight we had a great practics, lets pray that we have a great pre-state too.