Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Senior Prom!!

Well our senior year comes to an end with our big prom day. We started our day off with our annual prom morning feast...Perkins here we come. Then we were off to find diamond hair pretties....Pretty sure the ones from last year are now part of #2 or #3's collection. We then head to get our hair done and that is for another blog... Once our hair is sprayed in place, we head home to get dressed. John arrives and we are dashing off to the park to snap a few pictures with friends and of course the the John and Ally groupies have to get into a photo. The prom festivites include a grand dinner up north, prom at Music Man Square, and Post-Prom out at NIACC. Our evening doesn't end up until late morning so that we can go back to Perkins and head over to John's to watch a movie.