Monday, October 12, 2009

Well, again this year, Kenzie sights her in,shoots and she takes off. Yes, Kenzie shot her second doe(chubby one mama!!) and it takes off and they are unable to find her. Brent said she shot it in the liver and tonight they found her arrow, but no doe. I asked Kenzie if she was sad..."not really, I would like to find it, but if I don't then I can still use my tag to get a big buck"!!! Boy this warms a daddy's heart:)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Specks +Girls= Smiles

Well this year has brought some new changes for the little girls. Both needed glasses. Katie started saying that she couldn't see the overhead and moved seats a few times. Once she got tested and found out she was RIGHT, Kenzie started in that she needed them too. Figuring it was just that Katie got something new we figured that was all that it was, but when we gave in to her hounding...yes she needed them too. Both wanted something trendy, so they are sporting ones with some color. Katie has blue and Kenzie has pink. We tried swapping them to see what the other one looked like in each others we decided they made the right choices.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Well both girls headed to the eye doctor to put the "I can't see" comment to rest. Well, neither can see. Kate can't see far away and Kenzie has trouble upclose!. Of course Dad is excited that Kate may improve her shot with with archery since she will have a "clearer" view when shooting! We will post a few pics of the specs when we get them!