Sunday, May 3, 2009

We wrapped up our day with Katie getting the big cobra and Kenzie shot her deer while it was on the move with a score of 10. Overall the day came in with a score of Kenzie shot a 249 and Katie shot a 232.
After the shoot was over Katie said that the trail was quite a work out and was sure that I had to of lost weight. What a concerned kid....I think.

A few mroe shots of our shoot today, a particular favorite of Kenzie's is her turkey. She's letting dad see just how it's done to shoot one and not let it get away. Katie is particularly proud of her of bear shot. Of course she doesn't want to show her excitment as a serious hunter

This weekend the girls and I headed to Minnesota for a 3D bow shoot. It was a 30 acres in the rolling timber. And believe me it was rolling...up and down, next to creeks, and at one point we had to use rope since the hill was pretty steep all while trying to not drop a bow or 2 or twist an ankle(we are 8 weeks out from nationals and a bad ankle would not be good!!)

3D weekend bow shoot